Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Joseph Estrada: The Comeback Kid?

Photo: Nacho Hernandez for The International Herald Tribune

Joseph Estrada (aka Erap), a famous actor turned politician, became the 13th President of the Philippines in 1998. In 2001 he was ousted under accusations of corruption. In 2007 he was found guilty of plunder and sentenced to life in prison, but was later pardoned by current President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. This year the 72 year old Estrada has come back to films after more than two decades. He has also announced that he will run again for President in the 2010 elections, which has stirred a political debate on whether the Constitution allows it or not. In his own words, this will be “his final performance”.

In the photo, Joseph Estrada emulating Philippines’ darling during the filming of a fight scene for his new movie.

This photo was shot on assignment for the New York Times / International Herald Tribune. Read the full story.